Reviews and ratings are the most inspected than a product itself by customers. Those who purchased the products will leave feedback and their experience in doing business with the seller. Based on the review and ratings, customers will make a decision. Nowadays, many sellers use this for their advantage by planting fake positive reviews. Similarly, competitors flood the product with fake reviews. There are many companies. The software does this job overnight. When an Amazon sellers wake up, they will be shocked to see the flood of fake reviews and the product ratings will be down significantly. This causes them to lose badges like Best Seller, Amazon Choice, or any other credits. Also, the number of sales will drop because of the poor rating and comments. Why do customers see the review? Because we cannot see the physical products and feel them. Reviews are logically given by those who bought and received the products. So customers will see reviews to get the confirmation of their theories. They check whether the review will match the understanding of the product.

So the question is, what are the measures sellers can take to avoid fake reviews? How to spot fake reviews? And how amazon deal with false positive by sellers himself?

Verified Purchaser

Amazon offers a badge for genuine buyers. If you bought the product and drop a review, amazon will give that badge. One can consider a review with these badges as legit.

Report the fake reviews

Report the reviews by clicking “report abuse” if you feel reviews are fake or targeted. Amazon will take care of the rest.

Read the review

One can identify the fake review by merely reading them. Of course, you cannot read all the reviews, but considering daily 5-10 reviews per product, one can identify the fake reviews. They will be too generic or only not genuine or illogical. A fake review will be of 5-star rating with single words like “Awesome” or similar words, and there will be more than 50% of these. 

Look for reviews in other marketplaces

Generally, reviews in one marketplace will match with other platforms. If a product in Amazon has two stars and to some other market, five stars mean something isn’t right here.

Use software and tools

To detect fake reviews, nowadays, tools like Fakespot are helpful. The cloud-based tool will help in identifying the review by merely pasting the review link. 

So ultimately, the reviews are like a trust bridge. If the market place has genuine reviews, then the whole market place can be trusted. Amazon’s strict policy on reviews makes it a trusted market place. Hence reviews play a prominent role in customer decisions. That’s all everyone needs when doing online shopping. A correct review will help in understanding the products and services offered by the seller.